Water & Wastewater Treatment

Green Chem Laboratories provides a wide-range of water treatment chemicals and wastewater treatment solutions for businesses and organizations that want to keep their facilities clean and well-maintained!

Here’s where you’ll find everything to keep your facility properly maintained, including scale and corrosion inhibitors, liquid additives for use in hard water applications in boilers, powerful drain openers, and lift station degreasers that float on wastewater surfaces but do not mix with water. 

Help eliminate and control bothersome and unwanted pests with personal-sized bug repellant spray pens, trap cleaners that rid your facility of drain flies, and non-toxic insecticide and rodenticide products that’s safe to use around humans and animals. 

When your staff needs to clean up quickly or contain water from spreading, rely on our various spill kits, flatties and absorbent sausages.

Reduce malodors with our extensive line of odor-eliminating products. Discover products that help identify leaks, specialized tape that forms leak-proof seals in pipes, and various epoxy products that are perfect for minor repairs. 

Equip your staff with gloves, tools, hand cleaners, degreasers and sanitizers to keep them safe during their shift. 

Green Chem Laboratories is committed to providing your facility with effective and affordable water and wastewater solutions that meet the needs of your operations, staff and customers. 

With a focus on high-quality products and outstanding customer service, Green Chem Laboratories is your trusted source for all of your facility’s wastewater treatment service needs! 

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