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Did you know that disposing of unused liquid paint is prohibited in most communities and by waste management companies?
When cans filled with leftover paint are crushed in garbage trucks and trash compactors it makes a big mess. Cleaning up those messes is quite costly for waste management companies – and their clients.
Rather than face costly fines or pay for an expensive professional paint disposal service, you can choose a more efficient and cost-effective alternative:
Hard Up paint hardener!
This easy-to-use powder quickly solidifies latex, acrylic and oil-based paints, solvents, stains and primers for quick, safe and compliant disposal. Just stir it into the can and the paint or solvent hardens in minutes.
Best of all, its absorbent properties are also ideal for cleaning up paint spills, too!
When you need a paint hardener for disposal of your leftover or old cans and bottles, trust Hard Up!
Green Chem Laboratories is here for all of your painting, carpentry, and locksmith needs.
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One Liberty Place
1650 Market St
Suite 3631
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 1 (800) 964-3151
Fax: 1 (800) 336-9068